Smoke Alarm laws are changing in Queensland. New rules are being progressively introduced. Read on to learn about important recent and coming changes for landlords and owner occupiers.
From 1 January 2022
From 1 January 2022, at the commencement of a new lease or lease renewal, you must ensure your dwelling / unit meets the requirements of the domestic smoke alarm legislation. This may involve installing interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms into the bedrooms in addition to the currently required smoke alarms.
Owner Occupiers:
From 1 January 2017
- Existing smoke alarms manufactured more than 10 years ago must be replaced with photoelectric smoke alarms which comply with Australian Standards (AS) 3786-2014. (Note: the date should be stamped on the back)
- Smoke alarms that do not operate when tested must be replaced immediately.
- Existing hardwired smoke alarms that need replacement, must be replaced with a hardwired photoelectric smoke alarm.
From 1 January 2027
- All existing private homes, townhouses and units will require photoelectric interconnected smoke alarms. These must be either a hardwired (eg. 240v) or non-removable 10 year battery powered type alarm.
- The legislation requires smoke alarms must be installed in the following locations:
- on each storey
- in each bedroom
- in hallways that connect bedrooms and the rest of the dwelling
- if there is no hallway, between the bedroom and other parts of the storey; and
- if there are no bedrooms on a storey, at least one smoke alarm must be installed in the most likely path of travel to exit the dwelling.
Interconnected Smoke Alarms
Interconnected smoke alarms communicate with each other. When one alarm is triggered, all of the other alarms will also be triggered. This produces a more effective warning through the premises in the event of an alarm event. Alarms can be connected by wire or wirelessly. Talk to our team to find out more about how many alarms and the best type of alarms to use in your premises.
Photoelectric Smoke Alarms
When replacing smoke alarms, they must be of a photoelectric type which complies with Australian Standard (AS) 3786-2014. Photoelectric smoke alarms, also known as optical or photo-optical, detect visible particles of combustion. They respond to a wide range of fires, but are particularly responsive to smouldering fires and the dense smoke given off by foam-filled furnishings or overheated PVC wiring. Source: QFES