
Electrification Safety & Compliance

Safety and compliance is of paramount importance with any electrical work. In the process of Electrification, the electrical systems in your home or business may need to be adjusted. We are here to help you approach the changes of Electrification in a strategic way, working towards a safe, compliant and integrated solution.

Compliant Solar Installations

Solar collection is the key to Electrification

Electrification is based on the premise of using clean, renewable power. Solar is a great way to achieve this. Introducing a solar array into your home requires and experienced, capable team who are licensed and prepared to undertake the tasks associated with a solar project. Contact us to learn more about solar solutions. We provide a free consultation and quote, working with you to design a solar solution optimised for your energy needs.

Electrical Updates

In addition to updating the supply of energy to your home or business with a solar solution, there are a number of other changes that might be made in order to optimise the way you use energy. Talk to our team for assistance with a safe and compliant approach to Electrification including EV charging installations, cooktop updates, switchboard updates, rewiring, air-conditioner installations and servicing, hot water system upgrades, LED upgrades, or any other tasks or services.

We assist with all integrations

Learn More About Safety & Compliance

Discuss your electrical safety and compliance with our team today:

Cooking & Hot Water

The Electrification process involves two main stages: sourcing energy from a clean, renewable source (such as solar) and using it to power electrical appliances and machines. If you’re using gas-powered hot water or cooktops at home, in order to achieve Electrification these will need to be replaced with electrical versions. Our licensed and qualified electricians are here to help with this process.

It Starts with Solar

Regardless of the changes you are making at home towards Electrification, the first step is ensuring you are using energy from a clean, renewable source. Solar power is the best way to achieve that for Sunshine Coast households. Talk to our team to get a free consultation and quote for solar on your rooftop.

Switching Hot Water from Gas to Electric

The energy for hot water can come from a renewable source

Primarily, moving from gas to electric hot water is a move to a more energy efficient and sustainable model. Since the electrical versions do not require the consumption of fossil fuels for the production of energy, emissions are reduced; and utilising clean, renewable solar energy enables energy-efficient operation. However, there are also a variety of other advantages involved with switching to an electrical hot water system.

Electric models include heat pump and solar-powered models, offering greater energy savings and environmental benefits. They are easier to maintain, and less complex than gas versions. They are also more versatile in their placement. Furthermore, without a requirement to use gas, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is eliminated.

If you’d like to update your solar power solution, or update your old gas hot water system to electric, contact us for more information.

Switching Cooktop from Gas to Electric

Induction cooktop – more control & cleaner

Switching from a gas-powered cooktop to an electrical cooktop such as induction cooktop is a critical part of the Electrification journey. Again, the primary purpose is to move away from fossil-fuel energy sources and the carbon emissions that they create, towards electrical appliances which are powered by clean, renewable energy. There are also other benefits including energy efficiency – the electrical heat process is more efficient, involving less energy loss than gas cooking. Electric cooktops also offer more precise control in the cooking process than their gas counterparts. There is also a health consideration – by taking gas out of homes for cooking, health and emissions risks are reduced. [SRC:]

Learn More About Cooking & Hot Water

Discuss your Electrification journey with our team today:

Solar Safety

Solar Safety – Our Highest Priority

Noosa Electric Co. has been established on the Sunshine Coast since 1973 and our reputation for quality and safety is well established. Our solar installations are approached with a vision for a long-term, secure addition to your property that will continue to provide value over time. Examples of our solar safety initiatives include:

  • Licensed, qualified and experienced staff
  • Compliant solutions & industry standard adherence
  • Incorporation of leading technology and innovation
  • Quality components
  • No DC isolator switches
  • Low voltage rooftop options
  • Long-term support for your installation
Solar Safety – Our Highest Priority

Learn More About Solar Solutions

If you’re interested in learning more about solar solutions or getting a quote, please contact our team. We service Noosa and surrounding suburbs.