Air Conditioning

Tips For Reducing, Managing & Removing Mould

Targeting Mould Sunshine Coast

High humidity, especially in January to March on the Sunshine Coast, is the recipe for an unwanted household visitor: MOULD. Suddenly, it’s everywhere.. if you find mould in your home, rest assured – you’re not alone! In this brief article, we take a look at the mould situation. What is mould? What causes it? What are the health issues? And, most importantly, what can we do about it?

What is Mould?

Mould is part of a group of very common organisms called fungi that also include mushrooms and yeast. It is present virtually everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. There are many different types of mould, and they all have the potential to cause health problems. [SRC:]

What Causes Mould?

The presence of mould is caused by wet, dampness and a lack of ventilation. [SRC: ABC] This makes humid summers on the Sunshine Coast the perfect opportunity for mould to proliferate. Especially in periods of extended rainfall and high humidity, conditions are optimised for the growth of mould inside and outside the home.

What are the Health Issues with Mould?

In order to reproduce, mould produces tiny particles called spores. Spores are carried in the air and may cause health problems if inhaled by people who are sensitive or allergic to them. [SRC:] Examples of adverse health impacts include:

  • Irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and skin
  • Allergic reaction in people with a mould allergy (e.g. asthma flare-up or hay fever symptoms).
  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis—a rare lung disease where the lungs become inflamed due to an allergic reaction to certain inhaled substances (e.g. organic dust, fungus, mould or chemicals)
  • Infection.

Most healthy people will not experience health problems from contact with mould, however the risk increases for people with:

  • asthma, allergies or other respiratory conditions may be more sensitive to mould
  • a health condition or undergoing medical treatment that lowers their immunity are more at risk of infection (e.g. cancer and its treatment, organ transplant recipients).


Ensuring Your Air-Conditioner Is Mould-Free

Because we work with air-conditioners, it’s important to point out that regular cleaning of your air-conditioner unit is essential for mould control. Air-conditioners circulate the air you breathe, so it’s essential to ensure that they are clean and free of mould. This is particularly important on the Sunshine Coast, where high humidity, especially after rain, sees an increase in AC usage. We provide a professional clean & service for your split system or ducted air-conditioner. We recommend this service at lease twice a year to ensure your system is running optimally.

Using Dry Mode to Reduce Humidity

Some ducted and split system air conditioning units offer a mode called ‘dry mode’. In addition to their capability to provide heating and cooling for your Sunshine Coast home, this mode can also be used to humidify, dehumidify, ventilate and purify the air. [SRC: Daikin] If you’re consider a new air-conditioner on the Sunshine Coast, it’s a great idea to assess prospective units for this mode. Learn more about new air-conditioners here.

How to Prevent Mould:

Mould is caused by wet, dampness, lack of ventilation and humidity. The trick to preventing mould, or inhibiting its growth, is to prevent these conditions from arising at home. This is easier said than done when it rains incessantly for 5 months; however utilising your air-conditioner or dehumidifier during these times can also be helpful. Here are some handy tips to prevent or inhibit mould at home:

  1. Allow sunlight into your home, as much as possible.
  2. Allow air to circulate. Open doors and windows.
  3. Where does your clothes dryer vent it’s air? If possible, arrange for it to vent outside, as this air can be very humid and if vented inside, can create mould-growing conditions.
  4. Clean wet areas of the home regularly.
  5. Wipe away any moisture you find, and try to keep the inside of the home dry.
  6. Dry and air damp clothes and shoes outside if possible.
  7. Clean carpets and rugs regularly using a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Filter) vacuum cleaner.
  8. Clean evaporation trays in air-coolers, dehumidifiers and refrigerators regularly.
  9. Don’t run evaporative air cooling systems with water during high humidity (over 65%). If the air feels humid, run the air cooler without water and open the windows.
  10. Allow space between furniture and walls so air can flow, particularly wardrobes.
  11. Don’t stack boxes or other items against outside walls, especially walls that don’t get a lot of sun.
  12. Place absorbent beads in affected rooms to soak up extra moisture. You can buy these at the supermarket.


How to Remove Mould

  1. Obtain personal protective equipment, including half-face disposable respirators with P1 or P2 filters, to avoid inhaling mould spores when cleaning. You’ll find these at hardware stores.
  2. Place drop sheets on the floor and exclude people from the affected area if they’re not performing the work.
  3. Get 2 buckets: 1 for cleaning solution and 1 for clean water.
  4. Wipe the area clean with a microfibre cloth and cleaning solution. Don’t put dirty cloths back in the solution; rinse them in the clean water to avoid cross-contamination.
  5. After cleaning the area with the solution, wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Use a different cloth to the one you used with the solution.
  6. Wipe the surface dry with a clean cloth.


Making Mould Remover

Here are some tips for removing mould from They’re particularly useful because they include different options, so depending on what you have in the kitchen, you may not need to go shopping to get started.

Remove mould using a suitable mould remover, such as:

  • a solution of 3 parts vinegar and 2 parts water
  • a solution of 70% methylated spirits and 30% water
  • a solution of tea tree oil and water
  • commercial products from the supermarket. Follow the safety instructions to protect your eyes and skin.

Mould Removal Tips

Why shouldn’t I clean mould with a dry brush or broom?

This could release spores into the air, which may cause adverse health affects and spread mould to other areas. [SRC:]

Why shouldn’t I clean mould with bleach?

Using bleach is not recommended because it’s not an effective mould killer. However, bleach will help to eliminate other disease-causing organisms that may be present because of contaminated floodwaters. [SRC:]

Why should I keep changing cloths when cleaning mould?

Always use a different cloth with each process and throw them away after, or the mould spores will spread and mould will reappear. [SRC:]

Why should I wear personal protective equipment when cleaning mould?

Our immune system does not like mould. It is not meant to be breathed into our lungs. [SRC:]

Further Reading

Why Air-Conditioners Should Be Cleaned

Why Air-Conditioners Should Be Cleaned Air-Conditioners need to be cleaned on a regular basis. There benefits include health, efficiency and longevity. In this brief article, we demonstrate the two reasons why this is essential, provide (pretty unpleasant) images of air-conditioners which we have cleaned. If you need help with an air-conditioning solution including a clean…

Continue Reading Why Air-Conditioners Should Be Cleaned

Air-Conditioner Energy Optimisation

Air-Conditioning Solutions – Noosa & Surrounding Suburbs

On the Sunshine Coast, Air-Conditioners are the most popular solution to keep living and working conditions bearable, especially during the summer heat. In this exciting article, we take a look at how to optimise AC usage to make sure we’re getting the most chill for the lowest cost and energy usage. If you’re interested in an air-conditioner solution for your home or business, don’t hesitate to contact our team – we’re experienced with all aspects of air-conditioning and service Noosa and surrounding suburbs on the Sunshine Coast. 

Reducing Air-Conditioning Running Costs with Solar

Using solar power to run your air-conditioner is a long-term solution that can help to reduce costs in the long-term. Over time, a key benefits is being able to run your appliances during the day without paying for power from the grid. Meanwhile, if you already have solar, it’s important to maximise solar power usage for your AC (as opposed to power from the grid). An example might be cooling down your rooms before the evening comes – instead of waiting until it’s dark, when you will need to use power from the grid.

Using Optimal AC Modes

AC units have a wide variety of modes and on a hot day it can be tempting to hit ‘Siberia’. However, launching into the coldest and most powerful mode is not the most efficient way to use your air-conditioner. Economy modes optimise the way the air-conditioner works to get a great result without redlining power usage. For example, Daikin’s Econo Mode [SRC: Daikin ] prevents excessive cooling and only uses 70% of the appliance’s capacity. This achieves cooling without wasting electricity.

Air-Conditioning Solutions – Noosa & Surrounding Suburbs

Awareness of Modern Features

If you’re looking to purchase an air-conditioner, it’s important to come at it from an energy-efficiency point of view. Pay attention to your prospective machine’s features. For example, some Daikin split systems come with ‘Intelligent Eye’, which monitors whether a room is being used, and adjusts the AC delivery to suit usage. 

Awareness of Ratings

For new air-conditioners, pay attention to energy rating labels. These give an indication of both energy efficiency and energy consumption, helping you to appreciate how a specific appliance compares to its peers.

Daikin Split Systems – a Popular Solution

Use the Right Air-Conditioner

While there are many different types of air-conditioners, some are more energy-efficient than others, depending on the type of premises you are cooling. For cooling bedrooms and larger rooms, small, portable air-conditioning solutions are generally the least energy efficient appliances. Split systems are the recommended solution in most cases, since they are more energy efficient, and can achieve and sustain comparable cooling without requiring as much power. However, they do cost more upfront and they’re not portable. 

Optimising Usage

An important step towards optimising your air-conditioning is to only cool the required rooms, and for these rooms to be sealed from the outside. If you’re cooling the entire house, and all of the doors and windows are open, you might as well just throw your wallet out the window – which won’t be a problem, since the window is already open. Using air-conditioners minimally and within sealed rooms is effective an effective way to cool the home that won’t require the AC to use its full power. 

In Conclusion

Like any appliance, air-conditioners can and should be optimised. With AC, this process starts right at the beginning – selecting an appropriate system for your home – and then operating the system in an efficient manner. If you’d like to know more about AC on the Sunshine Coast, contact our team – we are here to assist.

Learn More About AC Solutions

If you’re interested in learning more about air-conditioner solutions or getting a quote, please contact our team. We service Noosa and surrounding suburbs.

Understanding Different Types of Air-Conditioners

Air-conditioning Solutions Noosa
Air-conditioning Solutions Noosa

Air-Conditioners come in many shapes and sizes, and it can be bewildering to try and understand what the best solution is for your home or business. In this article, we examine popular types of AC units and look at the pros and cons of each approach. Our approach takes into account the context of the rooms you’re looking to cool, and we also cover Kilowatts and their meaning in an air-conditioner purchase.

Why Understanding Air-Conditioner Types is Useful

Understanding air-conditioner types is useful to optimise your air-conditioners performance, running costs, maintenance requirements and longevity. Getting the right unit for the job will ensure it has the capability to manage your internal environment while operating within an optimal capability range.

There are a wide range of important considerations to take into account, which we cover in this article. If you’re on the Sunshine Coast, please don’t hesitate to contact our team to access our expertise in all things AC, including sales, installation, servicing, repairs, maintenance & cleaning.

Understanding Costs

The upfront cost of an appliance is always an important factor. However, appliances last (hopefully) a long time. Bearing in mind your air-conditioner may have a lifespan of 10-15 years, there are other costs which should also be taken into account. By being aware of these at the time of purchase, you can make a better-informed decision about the type of air-conditioner best suited to your needs over the long term of owning the appliance.

Here are the cost considerations to be aware of:

Purchase Cost: The initial cost of the air-conditioner
Installation Cost: When an installation requires an electrician (for example, a split system or ducted system) there will be an installation fee that will depend on the time and complexity of the installation.
Running Costs: The more you use your air-conditioner, the more electricity it will use. The cost of running your AC will depend on extent of use, and the efficiency of the unit.
Service Costs: Like any mechanical appliance, air-conditioners work best with regular servicing and cleaning.
Repair Costs: Higher quality brands will generally work longer and more reliably, just like any purchase. The cost and frequency of repairs required will depend on the AC unit, how well it is looked after (e.g. regular servicing) and how old it is.

The Goal to Aim For:

The goal when purchasing an air-conditioner is to acquire a unit that is well-suited to the task, adequately powerful, as efficient as possible, and of a good brand and model that will reduce problems and costs in the long run.

Reviewing Your Internal Layout

It is essential to review, and understand, the layout of your premises to select an air-conditioner that will suit your goals. For example, the kW capacity of your air-conditioner will need to be optimised to the space you want to cool (there’s more on this topic below). Also, the number of rooms you wish to heat or cool will also affect your decision. Here are the main points to take into account when assessing your layout:

  1. How many rooms do I want to cool?
  2. How big are these rooms?
  3. Are they joined, or separate rooms?
  4. How many levels are there in the premises?
  5. Is it for residential or commercial purposes?

There are some handy resources available related to this topic at: Don’t worry – when you discuss an air-conditioner sale or installation with our team, we’ll help you solve all of these problems, as we are experts in this field.

Understanding Capacity – Kilowatts

Air-Conditioners have a kilowatt rating which determines the size of the room that they are capable of cooling. Very important! This affects both the capability and the cost of the unit. Capacity is represented in KiloWatts (Kw) and more Kw means more capacity. It also means that the air-conditioner will cost more to purchase. Therefore, you want to get an air-conditioner unit which has a suitable capacity for its intended purpose. You can get some great insight on this aspect at this article by

According to, the following guide can be used to calculate the required Kw:

Generally speaking, you’ll need roughly about 0.15 kilowatts per square metre. For example, a smaller room that measures 20 square metres would need an air con around 3kW, while a 60 square metre room would need a device capable of delivering around 9kW. If your wattage is too low for your room, the air conditioner won’t be able to lower the temperature efficiently.

When you talk to our team, we will give you a free quote for your air-conditioner and also determine a suitable capacity brand & model for your purposes. It is also worth noting that an energy-optimised home utilises solar to power appliances. Visit this page to learn more about solar power solutions with Noosa Electric Co.

Types of Air-Conditioners

Following are popular, common styles of air-conditioning solutions. At Noosa Electric Co, our sales and installations include either split systems or ducted systems, but our AC technicians perform repairs, servicing and maintenance on most common air-conditioner modalities on the Sunshine Coast.

Portable & Window Air Conditioners

Portable air-conditioners are a single, standalone unit that you plug in to use, like any other appliance. They can be moved from room to room. Window air-conditioners are similar, except that they are mounted in a window frame, and are generally a more permanent installation. Both of these options are relatively inexpensive, and may not require professional installation. However, their energy-efficiency, running costs, cooling-capability, loudness and appearance may not make them practical for a long-term air-conditioning solution.

Split System Air Conditioners

Split systems are one of the most popular air-conditioning options for homes and businesses on the Sunshine Coast. They are called ‘split’ systems because they are made up of 2 separate components, an indoor and an outdoor unit (see below). These type of air-conditioners come in a variety of different models, which are suitable for cooling single rooms (split system, mini-split system) to multiple rooms (multi-split, multi-head split).

Indoor Unit

The indoor unit is mounted inside on the wall, and emits cool air into the room. The indoor unit can be controlled with a remote to modulate internal cooling or (depending on the model) heating. The indoor unit is connected to the outdoor unit, which is also known as the condenser or heat exchanger.

Indoor air-conditioning unit
Indoor air-conditioning unit

Outdoor Unit

Also known as the condenser or heat exchanger, the outdoor unit sits outside and works together with the indoor unit to produce your air-conditioning.

This image displays the outdoor unit in a split system configuration. You can see the piping that connects the units. This piping is usually more discrete, but it depends on the installation.

Split System Air Conditioner
Split System Air Conditioner

Single Room Split System Air Conditioning

Single split system air-conditioners, or mini splits, are designed for cooling a single room. These are the go-to for most of our Sunshine Coast residential AC installation jobs. The separated split system design is more efficient and capable than integrated units such as the portable or window air-conditioners mentioned above. They also have a more streamlined appearance, taking into account the capability of the unit, since half of the system resides outside. Split system air-conditioners require installation by a professional electrician.

A key advantage of split systems is that they can be easily retro-fitted to established homes or businesses. This isn’t always possible with a ducted air-conditioner (see below), which are integrated into the actual building, usually at the time of construction.

There are quite a few choices to make when evaluating a split system for your home or business. Our team is here to help. We can guide you to a suitable brand and model for your purposes, and our electricians will install the unit for you.

Split System FAQ

What is the difference between a Split System and and an Air-Conditioner?

A Split System is a type of air-conditioner. There are quite a few different types of air-conditioners – read all about them on this page! A split system gets its name from the fact that it comes in two parts, and indoor and an outdoor unit, which work together to create a complete air-conditioning solution.

Can split systems heat as well as cool?

This capability depends on the model. A reverse cycle air-conditioner can heat as well as cool. If you want this capability in your air-conditioner, make sure the model you’re looking at includes the reverse-cycle feature.

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Multi-Head Split System Air Conditioners

A multi-head, or multi-split system air-conditioner is a type of split system for situations where more than one room requires air-conditioning.

With a multi-head split system, a single outdoor unit is linked to multiple indoor units (rather than just the standard single unit). This enables cooling, or heating of multiple, separate rooms.

Another popular option for air-conditioning multiple rooms is ducted air-conditioning. However, ducted air (see below) needs more space to install and is integrated into the building design, whereas split systems, including multi-splits, can be installed more easily because of their agile disposition.

Multi-Split FAQ

Can you heat some rooms and cool others simultaneously?

According to Daikin, this isn’t possible. While individual rooms can be set to different temperatures, they must all be either heating, cooling, or turned off. However, you can apply different degrees of heating OR cooling to all the rooms. Features like this may depend on the model.

Split System Advantages

  • Energy efficiency: Split systems are generally more energy efficient that smaller portable AC units
  • Quiet operation: the design allows for noiser components to be located outside the home
  • Air Quality: split systems generally include filters which help to improve internal air quality
  • Installation flexibility: within available placements, there is a variety of different ways to install split systems
  • No ductwork: split systems include an indoor and an outdoor component – no ductwork
  • Retrofittable: Split systems can be retrofitted
  • Quick installation: Split systems can be quickly installed by a professional

Split System Disadvantages

  • Requires wall space
  • Limited placement options (the indoor and outdoor units work together, so both must be considered in placement)
  • Inflexible: once installed, a split system can not be easily relocated
  • Complex installation: split systems must be installed by professionals
  • Price point: split systems are not the cheapest air-conditioning option available.

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Floor Standing Air Conditioners

Floor-standing units are like a split system in all regards except that they are mounted on the floor (split systems are mounted on the wall). Otherwise, they’re the same – there is an indoor unit, an outdoor unit, and they can be fitted or retro-fitted to a home or business by a licensed electrician.

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Ducted Air-Conditioners

Ducted air-conditioners are an integrated air-conditioning system that is built into the actual structure, usually at the time of construction. They can be used to cool an entire building, and perform large-scale cooling more efficiently than other types of air-conditioners. Ducted systems involve an outdoor unit, an indoor unit (unlike the split system, this indoor unit is tucked away out of sight), and the ducts, which run from the central unit through to other rooms, and which give the system its name.

Ducted systems have a very low internal profile – all of the works are hidden from sight, and the air flows from discreet vents.

Ducted air-conditioning systems are optimal for larger homes or commercial premises with single or multiple rooms. However, because ducted systems are built into the structure, it may be difficult or impossible to retro-fit them.

Noosa Electric Co Mounting an AC Unit in Noosaville

Ducted AC FAQ

Is Ducted AC better than a split system?

Ducted and split systems serve different purposes. While the purpose of a split system is to cool a single room, or in the case of a multi-split up to 5 rooms, Ducted air-conditioning can cool an entire home. Ducted may be a better option if you’re looking to air-condition a larger space, but because it is integrated into the building, usually needs to be included at the time the home is constructed.

Ducted AC Advantages

  • Whole-building capability: Ducted systems can heat your entire home.
  • Neat and tidy: ducted systems are tucked away internally, so they are very discrete
  • Quiet: like split systems, the compressor and fan are outside, keeping it quiet inside
  • Zoning: Ducted systems can create different environments within the home
  • Even distribution: Ducted systems can achieve an even distribution of air through rooms, since air comes from multiple sources

Ducted AC Disadvantages

  • High installation cost
  • Complex installation
  • More difficult to retrofit
  • Inefficient if used incorrectly (i.e. heating / cooling unused rooms)
  • Require regular maintenance
  • Take up more internal space (in wall / roof cavities)
  • Limited flexibility: Ducted systems are a permanent installation and can not be easily modified post-installation.

Bulkhead Air-Conditioning Systems

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Bulkhead air-conditioning systems are a type of air-conditioner that is installed in a wall or bulkhead. Unlike split systems, where the internal unit is visible, the internal bulkhead unit is tucked away out of sight, emitting cool air into the room via a low-profile grille. Like ducted systems, bulkhead systems are integrated into the structure and their installation generally need to be done as part of a construction or renovation process.

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Cassette Air Conditioners

Cassette air conditioners are another unobtrusive type of AC solution, distinguished by the fact that they are located in the ceiling.

This fact enables conditioned air to be generated from a central distribution point (unlike split systems, for example, which are mounted on one wall), achieving immediate 360 degree distribution of cool air around the room. Cassette air conditioners are better suited to light-commercial or commercial applications for this reason.

Fujitsu Cassette Air Conditioner
Fujitsu Cassette Air Conditioner

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Air Conditioner Services Noosa

We are experienced in working with all aspects of air-conditioning. Talk to our team for a new air-conditioner, AC servicing, maintenance and repairs. We service Noosa and surrounding suburbs.

Air-Conditioner Features

Air-Conditioning Features
Air-Conditioning Features

Air-Conditioners come in a variety of styles and capabilities. In this brief article, we look at important features that you should be aware of when reviewing a new air-conditioner for your home or business. This will help you make an informed decision and select an air-conditioner that is suitable for your needs. For all air-conditioning sales, installation, repair and servicing on the northern Sunshine Coast, please contact our team. We provide a complete air-conditioner service, in addition to being approved warranty-repairers for major brands.

Energy Efficiency

Choosing efficient appliances is important for the environment and the back pocket. Depending on the climate zone, heating and/or cooling can account for 20% to 50% of energy used in Australian homes. [] That’s quite a lot when you think about tit. The best way to understand the energy-efficiency of an air-conditioner is to evaluate the mandatory energy rating label on the box:

Energy Rating Labels

These labels give immediate insight into the energy-rating of the appliance, and can help you to evaluate the running costs of your air-conditioner in conjunction with the other features it offers.

More Stars on the Label Means:

  1. More Energy Efficiency
  2. Lower Power Bills
  3. Less Damage to the Environment
Air-Conditioning Features

Refrigerant Type: R-32

The type of refrigerant used by an air-conditioner has an impact on both operational efficiency and environmental impact. Air-conditioners heat or cool the room by transferring heat via refrigerant. R-32 is a refrigerant used increasingly as the best commercially available option. It can reduce electricity consumption by approximately 10%, and has a lower environmental impact. []

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Cooling & Reverse Cycle

An important choice to make up front is whether your air-conditioner will be cooling, or reverse-cycle. Here is the difference:

Cooling: This means that the air-conditioner only cools the air.

Reverse Cycle: The air-conditioner can cool and heat the air.

If you’re on the Sunshine Coast and thinking, “I only need to keep cool in summer!”, then please don’t forget that our winters can be pretty chilly. A reverse-cycle air-conditioner is a great way to combat the winter cold, as well as keep you warm in summer.

What’s the Difference Between a Split System & a Reverse-Cycle Air-Conditioner?

These are 2 totally different things. A split system is a type of air-conditioner configuration, and gets its name from the fact that it is made up of two separate components, one inside and one outside. You can read more about split systems here. Reverse-cycle, on the other hand, refers to an air-conditioner mode where the internal air is heated, not cooled. In other words, you can have a split system air-conditioner with a reverse cycle feature.

Air Quality

Air quality is an important, but often overlooked issue, which can be addressed by the right type of air-conditioner. Most known for their abilities to cool or heat rooms, some air-conditioners can also help address air quality, and lessen the impact of related issues including respiratory conditions, allergic episodes, headaches, skin issues, strange smells, and mould growth. To best understand the air-quality capabilities of your prospective air-conditioner, check for options such as filtration, mould-proof operation, auto-cleaning, odour decomposition and bacteria deactivation. Air-conditioners can do much more than simply heat and cool your rooms!

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Appliances are getting smarter and air-conditioners are no exception. While the standard has always been operation via remote control, some AC units can now be operated by app on your phone or via smart home devices such as Google Home. In addition to this type of capability for new units, some brands also sell retro-fitting kits which enables this type of technology to be applied to older units. An example of this is the Fujitsu anywAIR technology Wi-Fi device.

Noise Reduction

Coming to terms with the noise levels associated with air-conditioners is important. Features such as Quiet Operation (Daikin) or Low Noise Mode (Fujitsu) can produce whisper-quiet AC under certain operational parameters. It’s important to understand that air-conditioner noise may be internal or external, depending on the type of air-conditioning unit you’re running and how it is being used. You need to consider both – you may not be able to hear your outdoor unit, but your neighbours may!

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Humidity Reduction: Dry Mode

If you lived on the Sunshine Coast during the first 4 months of 2022, you may be familiar with the problems associated with mould. Following a particularly rainy period during this time, mould growth was abundant as a result of humidity and a lack of sunshine. Dry mode is one option which is useful for battling mould, and comes as standard on many modern air-conditioners. This mode de-humidifies the room, and makes conditions less favourable for mould growth. In addition, it can be used as a more economical cooling method on days when high humidity is causing discomfort.

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Rust Prevention

Rust prevention is an important consideration on the Sunshine Coast due to proximity to the ocean. For outdoor electrical units such as air-conditioning condensers, the elements can take a toll. Corrosion-resistance treatments are included in some air-conditioner models. We can also apply a rust-prevention application which will help protect your air-conditioner from the elements. Talk to our team to find out more information.

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Air-Conditioning Upgrades

Air-Conditioner Upgrades Sunshine Coast
Air-Conditioner Upgrades Sunshine Coast

Is it time to upgrade your air-conditioner? On the northern Sunshine Coast, our team is ready to bring you up to date. We can help you upgrade any type of system and our team will remove the old unit to make things easier for you. Contact us to discuss your residential and commercial AC upgrades today, and we will help you connect with the right system to suit your needs.

When Is The Best Time To Upgrade?

On the Sunshine Coast, the best time to upgrade your air-conditioner is between April and September. The reason for this is that the hotter months become very busy for electrical service providers, and it can be more difficult to arrange a booking during this peak time. By the way, that’s also most likely to be the time you discover your system needs to be replaced! So if you’re in any doubt and your system is getting old, a proactive approach will achieve a better result for you.

Split System Air-Conditioner Upgrades

Talk to our team for assistance with your split-system air-conditioner upgrade. Noosa Electric Co specialises in AC solutions. In addition to replacing your old system, we can also help guide you to an optimum system to switch to from the major brands we work with, and provide warranty (and non-warranty) support to you into the future. It’s all part of our service!

Ducted Air-Conditioner Upgrades

Is it time to upgrade your ducted air-conditioner to a modern ducted solution. Ducted AC is a different type of work than other AC jobs, because of the integration of the ducted unit into the premises and specialised skills required. We are uniquely equipped to assist with ducted upgrades for these reasons:

  1. Our skillset includes both Electricians with Split System Installers Licences and Refrigeration Mechanics. This depth of experience gives us the capability to ensure work on your ducted air-conditioner will proceed according to plan.
  2. Ducted AC work can be complex and involved. We have a large, qualified team, and assemble the specific staff needed to manage and complete your project.
  3. Our business includes a warehousing capability to facilitate the storage and deployment of bulky ducted AC components.

Talk to us for a ducted upgrade and access benefits including:

  • Enhanced efficiency of a modern system
  • Reduced running costs
  • Quieter and more effective cooling
  • Environmentally superior solutions

As mentioned above, between April and September are the best times to organise a ducted air-conditioner upgrade (the summer period is a peak time and it may prove challenging to organise work of this nature during this busy time).

AC Upgrades vs AC Repairs

An upgrade isn’t always the best option. It makes sense to extend the life of your existing air-conditioner as long as possible. If your AC is on the blink and is within its warranty, don’t hesitate to contact our team for an assessment and resolution. We’re an approved warranty-repair provider for major brands, and can also assist with out-of-warranty repairs as well.

Air Conditioning Upgrades Sunshine Coast

Talk to Noosa Electric Co for your air-conditioning needs today. Whether you need assistance with sales, installation, servicing, maintenance or repair, our team is here to assist on the Sunshine Coast (between Noosa, Pomona, Bli-Bli and Twin Waters).

Air-Conditioning Repairs

Contact us for air-conditioner repairs on the northern part of the Sunshine Coast, talk to our team today. We’re experienced air-conditioner electricians, and we’ve been providing electrical solutions on the Sunshine Coast since 1973. Our team are licensed and qualified.

Air-Conditioner Repairs Sunshine Coast

Benefits of Repairing Your Air-Conditioner

Apart from the main and most obvious benefit of repairing your air-conditioner (to get it working again) there are also quite a few benefits of having a technician look at your system. These include:

Improved energy efficiency: A well-maintained air conditioner will operate more efficiently, which can result in lower energy bills. A repair can fix any issues that may be causing your system to work harder than it needs to.
Increased lifespan: Regular repairs and maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your air conditioning system. A well-maintained system can last for many years, which means you can save money by avoiding the need for a new unit.
Improved air quality: A dirty or malfunctioning air conditioner can reduce the air quality in your home. Regular repairs and maintenance can help ensure that your system is running at its best, which can improve the air quality in your home. Read more about air quality here.
More consistent temperatures: If your air conditioner is not working properly, you may notice that some areas of your home are colder or hotter than others. A repair can help ensure that your system is distributing cool air evenly throughout your home.
Reduced risk of breakdowns: Regular repairs and maintenance can help identify and fix small issues before they turn into bigger problems. This can help reduce the risk of a breakdown, which can be inconvenient and costly.

Warranty Repairs

Air-Conditioner Repairs Sunshine Coast
Air-Conditioner Repairs Sunshine Coast

We provide warranty repairs for most major brands. If you’re experiencing problems with your AC and it’s under warranty, contact us for assistance with a licensed, compliant repair in Noosa and surrounding suburbs on the Sunshine Coast.

Non-Warranty Repairs

With extensive knowledge and experience, our engineers are ready to assist in getting your air conditioning back up and running in no time.  If your system is unable to be, or uneconomical to repair, we can help you with pricing and guidance on the right replacement system to meet your needs.

Air-Conditioner Repairs Sunshine Coast

Brands We Work With

We work on all major air-conditioning brands. Contact our team for assistance with popular brands such as Daikin, Fujitsu, Samsung or Panasonic. We also work with lesser known brands. Our customer service team will clarify any enquiry you may have.

Air-Conditioner Repairs Sunshine Coast

AC Repair FAQ

What are the signs something is wrong with an air-conditioner?

Apart from not working at all, there are many indications of a problem with an air-conditioning unit. These include:This results in problems such as not turning on / off, incorrect temperature, not maintaining temperature, making noises, bad smells, buttons not working, error codes, and many others. If in doubt, please contact our team – we are here to assist.

What are common things that go wrong with air-conditioners?

Air conditioners can have a range of issues. These might include dirty air-filters, low refrigerant, a faulty compressor, leaking ducts, malfunctioning thermostat, frozen evaporator coil, clogged condenser drain and other such issues.

What’s the difference between a warranty and a non-warranty repair?

A warranty repair means your machine is covered by a manufacturer’s warranty. This may cover some or all of the costs of your repair. A non-warranty repair means your appliance is out of warranty, and you will need to pay for the costs of repair yourself.

How long do repairs take?

It depends on the time of year, and what’s involved with your job. The best way to find out is to contact our customer service team, who will be able to inform you of the lead time and other considerations for your repair.

Air Conditioning Services Sunshine Coast

Talk to Noosa Electric Co for your air-conditioning needs today. Whether you need assistance with sales, installation, servicing, maintenance or repair, our team is here to assist on the Sunshine Coast (between Noosa, Pomona, Bli-Bli and Twin Waters).